Reef Check Indonesia
years of coral reef monitoring
stakeholders trained
Coastal communities has capacity to self-managed their areas
Science for Equitable Development
Conserving Manta-Ray and Molidae, Developing Best Practices for Ocean Grow-Out for Aquarium Fisheries, Developing Best Practice for Reef Restoration, Coral Bleaching and Reef Resilience [read more]
Inclusive Conservation
Developing Multistakeholder Discussion, Channeling Participation through Media and Technology, Promoting Transparency through Open Data [read more]
Empowering Community
Young Sustainable Development Leader Initiative, Strengthening Community-led Organizations, Sustainable Livelihood for ex-Manta Ray Fishers [read more]
Let's Working Together
Coral Reef Monitoring
Join the EcoDiver Program to get a unique experience while taking an active role in conserving the Indonesia’s reefs.[read more]
Coral Bleaching Network
Join Coral Bleaching Network Indonesia to Enables Comprehensive Tracking of Bleaching in Across Indonesia's Archipelagic[read more]
Coral Reef Rescue
build capacity and solutions to ensure sustainable of climate refuge reef to conserve its biodiversity and support blue economies and communities [read more]